Monday Mashup #6 2021 - all the social content you missed

The weekend is over. You don't want to focus on your work, we know. So we collected the best social content from the past week for you. Just to be able to procrastinate a little more. You're welcome.

Yellow butts by Zach Brehl

We can not choose. We must have them all.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Een bericht gedeeld door Zach Brehl (@zachbrehl)

Top Gear drives the F40 versus the XJ220

Once again: we can not choose. We must have both. No, not really, we'll have the Ferrari F40 please. But we do love the Jaguar XJ220 too.

Maltese Safari build by Duck & Whale

This thing looks amazing. And knowing the guys at Duck & Whale, the story will probably be amazing too.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Een bericht gedeeld door Duck & Whale Magazine (@duckandwhale)

Konji smokes a Corvette

Yeah, he does, but not in the way you might think.

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Een bericht gedeeld door Konji (@konji___)

POV drive in a Unimog

Tedward drives a Unimog in the snow. We love snow. And we love Unimogs. Who doesn't love Unimogs, come on?

Subaru WRC lifting a leg

Amazing shot of Juha Kankkunen on the 1999 Sanremo Rally, shared by @duncrallying.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @duncrallying

Ferrari F40 by Luuk van Kaathoven

DrivePact was actually present at this photoshoot. Our friend Luuk van Kaathoven was busy shooting some footage of this amazing Ferrari F40, as part of a bigger photoshoot. We can't share too much about that right now, but we'll get back to it later.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Een bericht gedeeld door Luuk van Kaathoven (@luukvankaathoven)

About the Monday Mashup

Every monday we will give you an overview of what you missed out on last week. We'll collect the best Instagram posts, YouTube video's and other content you might have overlooked. Maybe we'll even drop in a newly released car every now and then, but only when it's a really important one for driving enthusiasts. So grab another coffee, lean back and scroll through the web's best automotive content from the past week.