The Beast of Turin returns to Goodwood - YouTube Gold

The Beast of Turin returns to Goodwood - YouTube Gold

This week's YouTube Gold features The Beast of Turin. It's a heroic nickname for the Fiat S76, also known as Fiat 300 HP Record.

The Beast of Turin was a car built twice by Fiat. The Italian carmaker built the first one in 1910, with one specific goal: to beat the land speed record. That record was then held by the Blitzen Benz. The Beast of Turin has a petrol engine with a displacement of 28,5 litres. Now, you might consider those numbers and think it's a 16 cylinder engine or something. It's not. It's a four cylinder actually. and this incredible piece of machinery delivered 290 metric horsepower. The first car was kept by Fiat, since their test drivers came back with brown trousers: the car was very difficult to control.

The second car was built in 1911 and was delivered to a Russian prince. This car actually took part in several land speed record attempts. The car was crashed, parts were spread all over the world and that was the end. Or was it?

A man called Duncan Pittaway managed to get his hands on an Edwardian Fiat chassis, an S76 engine, and some other key components. They were put together and the recreation was completed in 2015 to be first showed to the public at Goodwood. There were people there, with camera's. Enjoy this mental machine!

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